
British Accent

Lesson 3: 6. Listen and repeat

To read the script:

Let's talk about some of the best calls so far that you can talk about um, you had actually yesterday, yesterday's show, and if you can't watch it, you can watch it on the player, (yes) and if you weren't watching it, what else were you doing? Um but you had one team which was the strong team, Chris Ramsey (yes) You had uh Georgia from Love Island (yeah) um and then you had uh Charlotte, Charlotte Crosby from Georgia um and they were a great strong unit as a team. 

Lesson 3: 5. Listen and repeat

To read the script:

It’s aah basically, I realized that, celebrities aah, only know about some of themselves.

Lesson 3: 4. Listen and repeat

To read the script:

A lot of people probably don't know the answers of some questions because some of the questions are a little bit tricky.

Lesson 3: 3. Listen and repeat

To read the script:

They’ve given them my name in the title. Leave it, and so she is, but it’s like sort of a series or aah Alexa and we asked her to sort out these kinds of numbers for the celebrities to call and you’d just basically have like, you know like, Joey yes, is calling up like a mechanic and asking for like, if they don’t know the answer to the question then they can call a random number 

Lesson 3: 2. Listen and repeat

To read the script:

You can give your name in the title.

Lesson 3: 1. Listen and repeat

To read the script:
I can't believe it. I mean, I'm genuinely frustrated that they didn't call “Hey Joel” 

Used to, be used to, get used to - Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Used to, be used to, get used to

I love you

I used to be a dude.

The point is,I overreacted. I'm just not used to obstacles.

Oh, come on. I'm sorry that we told you, okay. It’s part of being in a relationship, eventually you get used to these annoying little things that bug you at first.

Yeah, I guess. I mean you got used to Lily's loud chewing, right?


English learners often confuse used to, be used to and get used to.

They look similar but they have very different uses.

What is the difference?

Let's start with the phrase used to:

Used to, is always followed by a base verb.

We use used to plus infinitive to talk about something we did regularly in the past but do not do it now.

Example: I used to smoke every day but I do not smoke now.

I didn't use to smoke when I was young but now I do.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Kids, your grandma always used to say to me nothing good happens after 2 a.m.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

I now pronounce you man and wife.

I love you.

I used to be a dude.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Roger, I thought you knew how to play the guitar.

 I used to.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You used to be someone I liked being around and now you're not.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You know April?

We went to high school together.

 We used to date.

 You used to a date?

April, you're Monica Geller.

Do I know you?

 You used to be my baby-sitter.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:


Hi, I'm Monica Geller.

How do you know the bride and groom?

Oh, I used to work with Frannie.

 Used to work with her.

Used to. I'm a relative and  I didn't get invited.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Me, Marshall and Lily, Barney, Robin, We all used to hang out at this one bar called McClaren's.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

We used to talk. That's all I want. Don't cuddle me, don't handle me just talk to me, please, and not about business.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Andie hey.

 Hey, I've been trying to reach you.

 You remember Andie, right? Used to date Michael, used to stalk Jane.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

I used to believe everything happens for a reason. But now, I'm not so sure.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You don't scare me Mona.

 You're not as good of a liar as you used to be.

Nice car.

It used to be mine.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

My mom used to play this song all the time.

Look, those girls used to make me feel bad but recently I realized that we're on the same side.

We used to get coffee sometimes.

I used to love being a surgeon.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You take spider-man's pictures, right?

I used to.

Where is he?

Henry and I agree. We don't see his picture in the paper anymore.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Maybe I was just looking for a hookup?

Yeah, I know you think you know me.

 I used to.

Yeah, used to. I've changed.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

I used to be obese.

I used to wake up early when I was a child, work on some project.

Used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Honey, honey come help Mom sort her pills. You used to love that.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Maybe I'll come to your place.

 Your wife doesn't mind being alone at Christmas?

I'm a doctor. She's used to being alone.

Be used to


Be used to is followed by a noun pronoun or ing form a verb.

If you are used to something, you are familiar with it.


I am used to getting up early because I start my job at seven in the morning, so it is normal for me to get up early because of my job.

Note that in the negative we can say I am not used to getting up early.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Maybe I'll come to your place.

 Your wife doesn't mind being alone at Christmas?

I'm a doctor. She's used to being alone.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

I was stopping by Lily's kindergarten class to say hi, but they were all at recess.

I really had to pee so I went to the class’s restroom. It was a smaller target than I'm used to. So I figured I should sit down. What I didn't realize was it was a shared bathroom.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Having no dad is something I'm used to. I wasn't even thinking about him that much anymore.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Hey, listen David, your mom is a great director.

She's just not used to working with amateur dancers.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

So, what can I get you guys?

Um, what's the cake today?

 I'm sorry did you just ask for cake? I'm not used to you ordering solid food.

 Yeah I'll just have a slice of whatever.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Roland, I ran the second largest retail video chain in North America so…

 Well, that's good to hear, so you're used to coming in second, huh?

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

I'm used to knowing what the right thing to do is, but now I'm not sure anymore.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Sorry, I'm not used to public speaking. Normally my boyfriend…Normally Mr. Rustin Snyder handles these events but he's out of town so it's all on my shoulders.

Be used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

The point is, I overreacted. I'm just not used to obstacles.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

He was the tiger king but here's the problem with kings. They get used to making all the rules.

Get used to


Get used to is also followed by a noun pronoun or ing form of a verb.

We use get used to to talk about the process of becoming familiar with something and it can be used about the past present or future.


I'm getting used to living in a big city.

I couldn't get used to living alone.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

He was the tiger king but here's the problem with kings. They get used to making all the rules.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Are you drunk?

 Get used to it.

So, you've experienced this sort of thing before.

You get used to it.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

They have to get used to doing it my way. Right now they're getting very used to it. You have to get used to doing things my way too.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Okay, what happened to Yumland? Why aren't the other children on stage?

 I cut them. If they want to be actors so bad they should get used to being unemployed.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

A fine dinner, my lord.

 Call me Tyrion please. I'm sure you're getting used to fine dinners, now that you're lord.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You better get used to negotiating with me. If the president dies, it's you and I…

or nothing at all.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

Oh, come on. I'm sorry that we told you, okay? It's part of being in a relationship. Eventually you get used to these annoying little things that bug you at first.

Yeah, I guess.

 I mean you got used to Lily's loud chewing, right?

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

You're not happy

 No Kyle I'm thrilled.

You don't sound thrilled.

It's called sarcasm get used to it.

Get used to- Improve your grammar and pronunciation

To read the script:

So, she seems fine.


 I think she's getting used to being away from you, now that you have the new job.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

I went there for my honeymoon and so, that was already a really good start, because it was just incredibly romantic; everything we were doing.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

But, the people were incredible, the food was absolutely amazing. I mean, we started off thinking, oh gosh, who on earth has curry for breakfast. And by the end of our honeymoon, it was curry three times a day and it was just fantastic.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

Um… and then we went to lots of nature reserves as well and so...just the wildlife that was there was fantastic. The beaches were fantastic. Just everywhere, everywhere. I couldn’t say a bad thing about it. 

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

My favourite country. Um… I probably have lots of favorite countries and I tend to like er… mountainous countries so like, like Austria. Austria's very… or the Alps, that’s sort of, lots of countries. So you've got er… yeah, French Alps or Austrian Alps, they’re really good. Er… I also like beach environments I love, like in Brighton; we’ve got lots of beaches. So again I like, hot, warm beaches, probably Spain

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

I'm going to say America, I lived there for a year, I studied there and I also proposed to my wife there. So there’re a lot of special memories.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

Well it is a hard one to decide, but I'm gonna go with India.Oh, nice. For the reason that erm… my parents were both born there and met each other there. And my sister who is five years older than me was born there and then the family came to this country when  my sister was six months old. Erm… and my love for India didn't really start until I was old enough to appreciate everything about it. So as a child growing up I found it very, very strange. As an adult, it was quite intriguing and we have been and visited as…as much as we've been able to at this point.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

People know lots of European countries and I think, no… and I'm thinking I went travelling with my wife and we spent quite a bit of time in South America and Argentina, particularly Patagonia was stunning landscape, right down at the bottom of South America on the point.

Listen and Repeat - Speak English Naturally

To read the script:

Well I… I lived in France for a long time and I really enjoyed that because it's got everything, it's got two sets of mountains, amazing beaches, temperate and hot climates and bit of, sort of, you know, more temperate towards the north, beautiful countryside. Erm… some French people are nice. Erm …But I’d have to say the place I've always wanted to visit is Canada.

12. Listen and Repeat

To read the script:

Music biz ain't bad she could be you Know, she got right what the hand in there what [yeah] her dad is involved


Ain’t (informal): am not; are not; is not.

                           Has not; have not.

11. Listen and Repeat

To read the script:

Yeah, but you know what, one thing to me is all  like

I like her to kind of that she said, what she wants to be artist advise her but 

10. Listen and Repeat

To read the script:

Is she going, is she going to follow her dad into the music biz? I mean, yeah, she is very much a baby, but these days [these days] people start at younger than that. 

9. Listen and Repeat

To read the script:

She stole the show [she stole the show] yeah [I'm not complaining] yeah

8. Listen and Repeat

To read the script:

He is going to do up. Make some noise [thank you]

Lesson 1: 7 Listen and Repeat-Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder

To read the script:

And then like too far forward would be I guess like, you know what me and my misses we’ve got really close and because my head is focused and then like now skipping again, I go do up. 



Do up:  1.Fasten something.

               2. Wrap or tie something up.

Far forward: adj. 1. Directed or moving ahead.

                               2. Lying or situated in or near the front part of something

                              3. Presumptuous, pert, or impudent.

Lesson 1: 6 Listen and Repeat: Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder

To read the script:

And because I have got my own labels or clown name record so I focus on that.

Lesson 1: 5 Listen and Repeat: Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder

To read the script:

I've been a last five years, I guess I've been always working and recording in a studio constantly doing shows.

Lesson 1: 4.Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder is back

To read the script:

Do you want to speak English fluently? If so, try reading and repeating aloud along with the audio! If you repeatedly practice, the phrases and vocabulary you have remembered will begin coming out of your mouth naturally. 

But the thing is you have, you've been, you've been busy, just our paths haven't crossed.  

Lesson 1: 3.Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder is back

To read the script:

Do you want to speak English fluently? If so, try reading and repeating aloud along with the audio! If you repeatedly practice, the phrases and vocabulary you have remembered will begin coming out of your mouth naturally. For more videos to help you learn English and sound like a native speaker, please watch them in Tutorials at englishaccenthub.com!

Now seriously, it feels great to be back in a mix and just working, yeah.


Be back: Return 

Lesson 1: 2 Talking to a music celebrity -Tinchy Stryder is back

To read the script:

You cracked on, work dried up for me.


Dry up: 1. become completely or excessively dry.

              2. (Of something perceived as a continuous flow or source) decrease and stop.

 Cracked on: Proceed or progress quickly. 

Lesson 1: 1.Talking to a music celebrity Tinchy Stryder is back

To read the script:

Tinchy you and I, we, I basically used to interview you about once a week. 

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